Which GCSE Maths Papers Should I Buy?
If you are unsure about which CCEA GCSE Maths papers your child will be sitting please check before purchasing our practice papers which are written in alignment with the CCEA curriculum.
Ask your child.
Contact your child’s school if they are unsure. Below are some guidelines to help you. It will be up to the school which combinations of papers your child will sit.
Are they sitting the foundation exam or the higher exam?
M1 and M5 – available final grade D – G
M2 and M6 – available final grade C* – F
M3 and M7 – available final grade B – E
M4 and M8 – available final grade A* – C
For more information on the content of each M tier please read our blog CCEA GCSE Maths Exams Explained.
Your child’s school will determine which examinations your child will be entered into. They usually make this decision based on tests in Year 10 but often change their decision if your child’s results improve or get worse in Year 11. Sometimes children begin at the foundation level and are then moved up to the higher syllabus if they are doing well.
CCEA publishes its past papers on their website. The new (M) 2 tier curriculum has only been in existence since September 2017 and therefore there are not very many actual past papers for students to use. This is why On Target Resources have written M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7 and M8 practice papers to help fill in this gap.