On Target Times Tables


On Target Times Tables

A comprehensive resource to help your child learn their times tables by heart.


  • times tables 0 to 12
  • using the “over learning method” to fill in gaps in times table knowledge
  • learning through repetition and rhymes
  • suitable for Primary 4 (Year 3) and above

On Target Times Tables

On Target Times Tables is perfect if your child has difficulty retaining times tables facts.

The On Target Times Tables booklet teaches times tables using the “over learning” principle.  Our brains retain information and facts if we learn them repetitively over a period of time.

In this book you will learn sets of times tables and then repeat that learning until you get the individual times tables correct over 3 consecutive days.  The act of repeating the learning will imprint the facts in the memory.

After learning the facts you can then focus in on the “tricky facts”.  These are the facts that you found the hardest to recall.  These can be focused on using rhymes and repetition.

You can use this book in 2 different ways.

  1. If you know which tables your child is weakest in you can skip straight to those pages and just practise those.
  2. Start at the beginning and work your way through. This is the option I would most recommend. We want to fill in any gaps in your child’s knowledge and build their confidence in times tables.  Starting at the beginning will make them realise that they know more than they think and will make sure that they become fully confident.

Why is it so important to know your times tables by heart?

 Times table knowledge is vital as quick recall of times table is your child’s passport to access higher level topics in maths.

Your child needs to be able to recall tables facts efficiently and timely or they will find all other maths topics difficult.  A strong knowledge of times tables will allow your child to excel in confidence and understanding in all areas of the maths curriculum.

Times Table Knowledge is vital for:


Division                            Multiples                         Volume

Fractions                          Factors                            Algebra

Decimals                          Prime numbers                Bodmas

Percentages                      Square numbers              Square roots

Area                                  Cube numbers                 Cube roots

Averages                           Problem Solving              Sequences

(Please note: There is a special rate for tutors and schools who wish to use our resources with multiple pupils.  Email lisburntuition@gmail.com for details.  Please do not photocopy copyright materials.)


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To find out more about our maths tuition services please visit our tuition website.

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