11 Plus Tricky Vocabulary (PDF)


11 Plus Tricky Vocabulary (PDF)

Learn the meanings of 150 tricky Transfer Test words.

Boost your child’s vocabulary to help them achieve a Grammar School place.

11 Plus Tricky Vocabulary (PDF)

11 Plus Tricky vocabulary aims to boost your child’s vocabulary using key 11 Plus skills.

The 11 Plus exams require your child to have a wide range of vocabulary to achieve a high mark.

As teachers we are constantly encouraging our students to read more in order to boost their vocabulary.  The more you read, the more words you will know!

However, what if your child is a reluctant reader and you know that their range of vocabulary is holding them back in practice papers?

This is where 11 Plus Tricky Vocabulary can help!

  • We have chosen 150 of the most difficult words from past papers.
  • Your child will be asked to investigate 5 words per week.   They will also add one tricky word from their own weekly reading.
  • Your child will identify if the word is a noun, verb, adjective or adverb.
  • They will write a definition for the word, use it in a sentence and identify antonyms, synonyms and rhyming words.

This thorough investigation of each word is the key to learning and retaining new words but will also allow them to practise key 11 plus skills.

Find out more about our 11 plus practice papers and revision resources on our 11 Plus page.

Find out more about our Transfer Test Tuition services which take place in our Lisburn tuition centre on our11 Plus exams in England on the 11 Plus Exam Guide.

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